Friday, October 10, 2008

E-Flyer for Exhibition

Here is a E-flyer for the Carers Exhibition call for entries. It was designed by Steven Tunn, and uses an image of a piece of work by artist and a past Carer Georgie Meadows.

Feel free to circulate.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Caring/Carers Exhibition Call for Entries Now Open!

Call for Artists who are or who have been CARERS

Art Exhibition

DEADLINE 31st December 2008

An open art exhibition and weekend of public events centred around the theme of ‘Caring/Carers, will take place in late Spring 2009.

The exhibition is open to people of ALL AGES who are Carers or who have been Carers to submit creative visual, audio, written, spoken word, music or performance art on the theme of Caring/Carers. Although other themes by carers are acceptable, and the importance of creativity and art in providing respite for Carers can also be explored.

The aim of the exhibition is to showcase the creativity and experience of Carers in the South West and Britain. Being a Carer gives people a unique insight into both the human condition and the human spirit. It can also be a lonely and isolating experience. But, it is in that space, where Carers live and breathe, that creativity and imagination can blossom. And it is that which we seek in this exhibition.

This is an open call for all artists who are or who have been Carers, working with any type of media to submit work for inclusion in the art exhibition to be held at Spring 2009. The exhibition will launch and the event will be accompanied by discussion and performances of music and drama. Work will also be available to view online.

We are looking for work that resonates with the theme of the exhibition, and can include any aspect of an individual’s experience of caring and those they care for.

Individuals, groups of Carers or families are encouraged to submit work on the theme.

To apply for selection, please send:
• High quality images of the art work you are submitting AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
• A brief description of the art work, including details of media used, and all dimensions
• Price of work if for sale
• Your full contact details, name, address, telephone number(s) and email address.
• Artist’s CV, including description of Caring experience

You may submit your entry using electronic format files on CD, or printed images and info (max size A4 please).

If you would like discs or images returned, you must provide a stamped, addressed envelope. All submissions should be received before 31st December 2008 please. Feel free to contact Ina for an informal discussion.


While we endeavour to ensure safe handling of artwork, insurance of the work against loss or damage is at the artist’s discretion and is the responsibility of the artist.

Please send all exhibition related enquiries via email to Ina Hume:
If sending large attachments, please use: